You served your country, now let us serve you with set-aside certification support so you can access special government contracts. SBAF can assist you with your VOSB or SDVOSB certification application through our free online training seminars, making it easy for you.

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Certification support – Free

SBAF will walk you through the application process with our free online training seminars

Congress has mandated since 2000 a budgetary goal of 5% of all government prime contracting dollars to women owned small business (approximately $15-20 Billion Dollars). In addition, in February of 2011 the SBA determined there are 83 (4 digit) NAICS Codes where women are significantly underrepresented. To aid women in making inroads into these industries, the SBA has allowed for set-aside contracts to be issued in these NAICS Codes.

The NAICS Codes with the least amount of women owned firms, require the WOSB certification for the firm to be awarded set-aside contracts. The NAICS Codes where some women owned firms existed but were still underrepresented, require the EDWOSB or Economically Disadvantaged Woman Owned Small Business. A firm holding an EDWOSB certification can bid both WOSB and EDWOSB set-aside contracts where a firm holding a WOSB certification can only bid on WOSB set-aside contracts.

We are proud to offer application support free of charge to qualifying businesses. Many businesses also join as a member so they can access additional networking opportunities and help sessions.

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